IPG®’s UA Series Uniform Automatic case sealers are operator free machines that fold the top four flaps and process same sized RSC style cases. These machines are required when consistent production flow rates exceed manual processing ability or when automatic case packing is utilized. Interpack offers a UA Series automatic case packing machine for every application and budget. Interpack can customize to specific requirements such as line voltage, operation range or 4-flap pickup assemblies.
Side Belt Drive Is Preferred For Void Fills, Overfills And Lightweight Cases
Offset Tape Heads Will Process Cases As Low As 3 1/2″ Tall
Compact 65″ Long Frame
Standard Interlocking Safety Gates
Selectable Floating Upper Head To Processes Mild Overfills
Standard Indexing Gate
Onboard PLC Eliminates Case Length Adjustment
Self Tensioning / Self Tracking Belt Drive